Development of the activity
The children and the teacher sat down in a circle. The teacher begins by greeting the child to his right, shaking hands with him and saying "good morning.............. How are you?
The child responds how he feels: "Well, thank you", or with another formula that is usual. The teacher gives him a kiss, a hug, a caress, a pat on the back, or a soft caress, and he wishes him a good day.
The child that has just been greeted, does the same thing with his partner on the right, and this way until we complete the round.
The teacher, at the beginning of the school year, can talk with the children about greetings, what reason they serve, and how pleasant it is to feel welcome.
The children comment about the forms of greetings they know: to shake hands, to be kissed, to be caressed, to be given a hug, etc. The adult encourages them to use all the greetings, varying every day according to how they feel.
It is important that the educator sits every day next to a different child so that they all have the same opportunity of being greeted by him.