Development of the activity
We placed in a corner of the class, very visible, a sign decorated on the sides and the word THANK YOU in the upper part. It can be decorated according to the season of the year.
We explain to the children the importance of knowing how to thank someone and how well the person that we thank feels. Also the important thing that is to be recognized by the others when we do something good for them.
Every day, before leaving class, we can refer to the sign and ask if somebody wants to thank one his classmates because he has helped him in something. If there are children that want to do it, they can go to the sign and write their partner's name and their own name. If they still can not write, they can ask the educator to write the names for them. The colors should be different for the ones who receives the gratefulness and for those giving thanks. For example, always the name of the one thanking will be written in red, the one that receives the gratefulness can be written in blue.