Development of the activity
The educator forms couples at random. If there is no agreement in some cases, he can use the method of the figures cut in half so that each one finds a partner.
Each child thinks of something that he likes of his partner and he writes it or he draws it on the piece of white paper with the white crayon. He the name of the other child on the back (or he asks the educator to do it) and they exchange papers. The adult offers examples of what they can write: I like your personality, your eyes, your smile, your good humor, etc.
When each boy has his own piece of paper, he paints with a paintbrush impregnated in diluted paint the complete page. The result will be that the message written in white appears because the rest of the sheet is colored and the wax resisted the painting.
When finished, the writings and drawings are shared and we comment that we all have good things to offer to the others.