Development of the activity
Seated in the circle, the teacher places in the center many hearts with different expressions: sadness, happiness, fear, rage, pain. After the greeting he asks each child to take the heart that shows how he feels in that moment. They all think for a moment why they believe that they feel this way.
Whoever wants to, can show his selection and, if he wants to, he can share the reason why he feels in that way.
Depending on the ages, the quantity of expressions can vary. With older the children, we will be able to use more expressions.
Many hearts should be drawn with the expressions of sadness and happiness because they will be those most requested ones and all the children should have the opportunity to choose the one that represents their state of spirit.
The teacher is the first one in choosing a heart and he explains the reasons for his state of spirit, stimulating the children so that they continue the activity.
The activity should be voluntary. The teacher can go observing each child's evolution, if he has difficulties to do it, if he wants and doesn't cheer up, if he never wants to participate, etc. That is useful information that the educator can use to know the children better.