Development of the activity
We send a note to the parents so that they comment with their children on the origin of their name, why they chose it, who chose it, if it was of common agreement among the parents or not, and all the details of the history of the name of their children. If they can send it in writing it is better, because in that case the educator reads it for all.
A meeting is held and the history of each name is commented. The educator explains that, although there are similar names, each one has a different history. He asks the children to comment if they like their name, if they had to give it a color what color would they choose, what sound or what texture. He can present them with alternatives in this sense.
The teacher distributes pieces of cardboard so that they can write their name and the most important elements for them of the history that their parents told them. Those that don't know how to write can make a drawing or the teacher can write for them.