Development of the activity
The educator converses with the children about how they feel when somebody treats them badly or it treats them well. He asks them to give examples of their personal life when they had those two types of experiences. The teacher should also participate in this, giving real examples that have happened to him in his childhood or as an adult.
Then he distributes two or three stones and several flakes of cotton of different colors for the children to put them in a transparent bag and he explains to them that the stones mean the sad or unpleasant feelings, and the cotton represents the pleasant feelings. He makes them notice that each one possesses both types of feelings, the same as the adults, but it is good to learn how to use the good ones and to try to control those that are unpleasant for the other ones.
The activity consists in that every time that some child does something that hurts the feelings of another, he gives him one of his stones to put it in his bag. If on the contrary, he receives an expression from a partner that makes him feel well, he gives him one of his cotton flakes.
The bags should be located in a specific place for each child, either in a panel, a cork, etc.