Development of the activity
At the beginning of the school year, the educator can prepare a decorated box where one can read "MAIL OF THE WEEK", and to explain to the children that it is for each one of them to write what he wants to the teacher or any classmate to let him know that he has felt very well, or on the contrary, quite badly, because of his behavior.
The letter is absolutely secret and it is deposited in the box until the last day of every week, when in the farewell, the teacher opens the box to see if there are any letters. If there are, he reads them and he gives the opportunity to the author to speak first if he wants to clarify something, and then he asks for the opinion of the other one mentioned and of the rest of the children to find the best possible solution.
In case there are also letters of gratitude, the teacher encourages the children so that they congratulate the child mentioned and the one that wrote the thank you note with a strong applause.
It is very important to avoid that somebody feels offended or blamed. Just the opposite, it is a constructive practice to try to teach children to live together and to handle their conflicts