Development of the activity
The first step belongs to the teacher in an exclusive way: to carry out a selection of stories and to update it every year. In this case we should select books that allow us to work on the emotional development of the children and that are of narrative and literary quality.
The second step consists on reading and working before hand on the topics of the stories with the children.
The story time: The educator chooses the story and he tells it reading it and showing the illustrations. When he is done, he stimulates comments on the story, emphasizing the emotional aspects that are present in the narration. He can ask:
" What happened to.....?
" What did he need?
" What problems did he have to get it?
" How did he feel when.....?
" Have you felt this way at some time?
" What could we tell him to..... if it was here with us?,
" Etc.