The news that frequently reach us about violence in the classrooms of our schools and institutes, make us think of the need to act, from the educational setting, providing training to prevent and adequately solve the conflicts. It calls our attention the extensive bibliography that exists on this subject oriented to teacher training on secondary and primary education, in contrast with the scarce specific material on the subject in Early Childhood Education.

Nevertheless, handling the conflicts in these ages requires a special consideration, since it is in this time when the foundations that determine to a great extent the future personality of the human being are built. In this sense it would be possible to talk of the preventive function of Early Childhood Education, since depending on the possibilities that the child has had to solve his personal and relational conflicts he will be able to make suitable progress towards his own demands and those that life in society imposes upon him. This represents a challenge for early childhood teachers, who in many cases feel disconcerted with the children's inappropriate behavior because they do not know their causes and, therefore, the most adequate way to react. This happens, partly, because the training that the teacher receives on the emotional development of young children usually focuses on evolutionary and descriptive terms, instead of a psychodynamic perspective that would help to clarify the nature and functioning of the processes that make up the psychological universe of childhood.

The fundamental purpose of this work is to offer an orientation to teachers to effectively help children to metabolize the conflicts of their internal world and to orient them in the dynamics of their interpersonal relations with other children and adults.

The book is divided into three articulated parts around the concept of conflict as an inherent element to human nature that operates as the motor of development throughout man's life cycle. It is not about avoiding conflicts but about educating children so that they can approach them in a constructive way as the only possibility to carry out their own social and personal growth.

In the first part we present theoretical elements referred to the emotional development of the child from 0 to 6 years of age, emphasizing the most significant processes that take place in this stage of construction of his psyche and the intra subjective conflicts that determine the course of his development. Then, we work on the relational or interpersonal concept of conflict, emphasizing the work of the teacher as a mediating element in the approach and solution of it and we offer, as mere indications, adequate strategies to effectively attain the solutions that allow the learning of new behaviors.

In the second part we present different areas of educational action that allowing carrying out an emotional education through play, the psychometric relational practice, children's literature and creative and constructive learning.

Finally, a set of practical activities is proposed for the teacher to carry out with the children in the classroom or in the room of psycho motor practice, oriented towards social and emotional development, in order to promote attitudes, values and behaviors that foster an education for coexistence.

EXPLANATORY NOTE: With the purpose of providing a more pleasant reading of this work, we use the terms child, teacher, father, etc. in the understanding that each term refers to the masculine and feminine genders.