To be born, eat and grow up

  • Acceptation of food items
  • Initiative in hygiene

The teacher tells the children:

When we are born and we are still babies we only eat milk; but as we are growing up we need other kinds of food items. That's why we start having teeth.

Do you know what happens to the cars if they are run out of petrol? They stop and don't work any longer. The same would happen to us if we didn't eat. Food items give us energy to move our bodies; so we run, jump and play thanks to them. If we don't eat much we will be thin and weak; but it's not a good thing to eat a lot either, because we get fat.

So, what's the solution? We have to eat a little bit of everything.

What does mammy usually prepare us for lunch? (Give the children some time to think about that and to share the answers with the group).

Print supplementary material (click to open in a new window: document 1 and document 2). The teacher will cut up the cards and give them to the children. The children will colour the drawings and they will talk about their favourite food items and the ones they don't like at all. After this they will glue the drawings on a mural.

Finally the children will perform several things we can do in order that the food agrees with us:

  • To wash our hands before the meals
  • To chew everything very well (plenty of times each mouthful)
  • To wash our teeth after each meal.



©World Association of Early Childhood Educators