Curriculum |
Eugene Alan Geist Ph.D.
W352 Grover Center
Ohio University
I . Academic Preparation
1995 Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education
The University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, Alabama
Specialization: Piagetian Theory and Constructivist Education
Dissertation Title: Genre, Content, and Organization of Oral Story Inventions
Kindergarten Through Third Grade.
1991 Master of Education in Early Childhood Education
The University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohio
1988 Bachelor of Arts in History
Minor: Education
The University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohio
II. Professional Experience
1998 - 2003 - Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education - School of
Human and Consumer Sciences
2003- Present - Associate Professor with Tenure
Ohio University - Athens, Ohio
Served on the Institutional Review Board to review proposed research
across campus to meet
federal safety guidelines.
Served on the Ohio University Research Council since 2002. Served as
Chair since 2006.
Served on the Provosts Committee on Distance Learning
Served on the Ohio University Research Committee to review proposed
research grant
awards across campus.
Was selected to be a Leader-in-Residence for SCOPE Ohio, a University
wide learning
community program to improve undergraduate teaching
Chaired the School Curriculum Committee, served on the College Curriculum
University Curriculum Committee, School Technology Committee, University Child
Review and Selection Committee, the Ohio University Child Care Center Review
Early Childhood Steering Ad-Hoc Committee, Faculty Senate, and the Educational
Policy and
Student Affairs Subcommittee of Faculty Senate.
Developed and taught a Tier III course entitled AAmerican Childhood.@
Participated in the first ASummer General Education Active Learning
Seminar@ to improve the
active learning component of large general education classes conducted by the
Center for
Teaching Excellence and University College.
Presented the online and computer-based teaching methods employed in
HCCF 160
Introduction to Child Development and HCCF 664 Advanced Child Development at
the first
ASpotlight on Learning@ held by Ohio University
Classes taught at Ohio University include:
Pre-Math and Science
Introduction to Developmental Theory
Preschool Guidance
Advanced Integrated Curriculum
Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Introduction to Child Development
Tier III - American Childhood
Curriculum Models
Advanced Child Development
Advanced Study of the Child
Constructivism and Teaching
1998 - Present - Area Coordinator for Child and Family Studies - School of
Human and Consumer
Ohio University - Athens, Ohio
Responsible for scheduling classes and developing and maintaining a
course rotation for the
Child and Family Studies Area.
Responsible for staffing and other administrative and programmatic issues
concerning the
Child and Family Studies Area.
Responsible for evaluating transfer credit for incoming transfer students
Assisted in the design and implementation of a new major in early childhood
that met NCATE,
NAEYC, and state guidelines.
Participated in the development and writing of the NCATE folio with
Margaret King for NCATE
program accreditation which was received in 2001.
1995 - 1998 - Assistant Professor
Northwestern Oklahoma State University - Alva, Oklahoma
Director of the Early Childhood Program.
Responsible for scheduling classes and developing and maintaining a
course rotation for the
Department of Education.
Taught undergraduate and graduate classes including a graduate class
in educational
Responsible for student advising, student teacher supervision, and residency
year teacher
Served on many graduate committees, the Academic Affairs Committee,
Committee, and was a sophomore and Junior class sponsor.
1993 - 1995 - Graduate Assistant
The University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, Alabama
Evaluated new educational software
Designed multimedia instructional methods
Cooperated with area schools on computer training and curriculum development
Trained faculty and staff on computer and telecommunications equipment.
1991 – 1993 - Graduate Assistant
The University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, Alabama
Graduate assistant for the Interactive Intercampus Telecommunications
System, a two-way
interactive video teleconferencing system installed for the purpose of sharing
Administrated interactive telecommunications teaching system.
Assisted and trained instructors on the use of the system.
Maintained technical aspects of the system.
Scheduled classes on the system.
Supervised of work study students.
Designed and implemented teaching methods for this new technology.
1989 - 1991 - Child Services Director / Lead Teacher
The Richard E. Lindner Family YMCA - Norwood, Ohio
Directed the child care services
Managed a number of off-site before and after school care programs in
four elementary
schools and an on-site preschool program.
Responsible for all aspects of running the five sites including, staffing,
licensing, supplies, and
staff training.
Lead teacher for the preschool program.
1988 to 1989 - Teacher/Cottage Counselor
Cincinnati Children’s Home - Cincinnati, Ohio
Taught history classes to emotionally disturbed seventh through twelfth
graders at a residential
treatment facility.
Acted as a cottage counselor.
Counseled emotionally disturbed children aged 14 to 18 years old and
was responsible for all
aspects of their residential stay at the facility including day trips, school
interpersonal conflicts (which often turned violent), behavior management,
and managing
their treatment schedule.
1993 – 1994 - Internship as Assistant Kindergarten Teacher
Birmingham Public Schools - Birmingham, Alabama
Taught kindergarten at Norwood Elementary School in an urban Birmingham.
Collaborated on designing and implementing Constructivist teaching in
a culturally diverse
III. Scholarly Activities
Journal Publications – Refereed
Geist E.A. & Matthews J. D. (2006 in press) A systems model for developing
Early Childhood
Geist E.A. & King M. (2006 in press) Do Gender Differences Really Make
a Difference in Learning
Geist E.A. & Baum A. (June/July 2005). Dealing with the “Yeah, But’s” Young
Phillips, S.K., Duffrin, M.W. and Geist, E.A. (2004). Scientific salad and
apple analysis: Take food out of
the kitchen and into the classroom to teach mathematics, science, and more.
Science and
Children, 41(4), 24-29.
Geist E.A. (2003) Children’s Reflection on Tragedy Using an Oral Storytelling
Approach. Journal of Early
Education and Family Review v10 n4 p35-48 Mar-Apr 2003
Francke J. & Geist, E.A. (2004) The Effects of Teaching Play Strategies
on Social Interaction for Children
with Autism: A Case Study Journal of Research in Childhood Education V18, #2
Matthews D. & Geist E. (2002) Technological Applications to Support Children’s
Development of Spatial
Awareness. Information Technology in Childhood Education (Annual) P. 313-328
Geist E.A. & Boydston R.C. (2002) The effect of using written retelling
as a teaching strategy on students
performance on the TOWL-2. Journal of Instructional Psychology V29, #2 p. 108-118
Geist, E.A. & Aldridge J. (2002) The Developmental Progression of Children’s
Oral Story Inventions.
Journal of Instructional Psychology V29, #1 p. 33-39
Geist, E.A. (July, 2001) Children are Born Mathematicians: Encouraging and
Promoting Early
Mathematical Concepts in Children Under Five. Young Children p. 12-19
Geist, E. A., Gibson M. L. (2000) The effect of Network and Public Television
programs on four and five
year old=s ability to attend to educational tasks. Journal of Instructional
Psychology (27) p.250-
Geist, E.A. (2000) Lessons from the TIMSS Videotape Study. Teaching Children
Mathematics 7, p. 180-
Geist, E.A. & Aldridge, J (1999) Genre content and organization of kindergartners
invented stories.
Psychological Reports, 85, p. 817-822.
Journal Publications - Reprints
Geist E.A. (2003) Math in Infants and Toddlers in Spotlight on Young Children
and Math by Derry Koralek
and Laura J. Colker (Eds.) (2003)
Geist E.A. & Aldridge J. (2002) The Developmental Progression of Children’s
Oral Story Inventions in A
Cross Section of Educational Research by Lawrence Lyne (Ed.) (2003).
Geist, E.A. (2002) Annual Editions - Early Childhood Education 03/04 AChildren
are Born
Mathematicians: Encouraging and Promoting Early Mathematical Concepts in Children
Five.@ p.174-179 McGraw-Hill; Guilford CT
Geist, E.A. (2002) Annual Editions - Early Childhood Education 02/03 AChildren
are Born
Mathematicians: Encouraging and Promoting Early Mathematical Concepts in Children
Five.@ p.174-179 McGraw-Hill; Guilford CT
Geist, E.A. (2001) Lessons from the TIMSS Videotape Study. (Translated into
Geist, E.A. (2001) Lessons from the TIMSS Videotape Study. Virginia Mathematics
Teachers V. 27 #2,
p. 6-10
Journal Publications - Invited
Geist, E.A. (2003) Math in Infants and Toddlers. Young Children v58 n1 p50
Jan 2003
Geist, E.A. (2003) For Further Reading on Teaching and Learning about Math.
Young Children v58 n1
p50 Jan 2003
Geist, E.A. (2001) Constructivist Curricular Reform: A Grass Roots Approach.
The Internet Source for
Schools (Vol. 4 #3) http://www.emtech.net/source/InFocus.htm
Geist, E.A. (Spring, 1999) Technology and Education - Review of the article
A Forgotten Technology
Viewpoint - The Teachers. Childhood Education. 75, p.186.
Journal Publications - In Review
Boydston R. & Geist (2005 in review) Written Retellings of narratives as
an Instructional Strategy to
Enhance Children=s Writing Development Reading Teacher
Baum A. & Geist, E.A. (2005) Dealing with the “Yeah But’s” Young
Books and Chapters in Books
Geist E.A. - Expected Publication 2004. Contract for book entitled Children
are Born Mathematicians:
Encouraging and Supporting Development in Young Children, 1e Prentice-Hall
Presentations – Invited
2006 Madrid, Spain - Keynote speaker at the First International Conference
on Logico Mathematical
1993 Jacksonville State University - Jacksonville, Alabama - What is Constructivism:
Beyond Just a
Buzz Word.
1991 YMCA of Greater Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohio - School Age Childcare;
A Different World.
Presentations – Refereed
2005 Geist, E. A. & Matthews J. D. - Washington DC – NAEYC Annual
Conference and Expo.
Extreme Makeover Classroom Edition
2004 Ohio Department of Education Conference – Columbus Ohio - The Third
Teacher – The Future of
Learning Environments
2004 Geist, E.A., Phillips, S.A., Duffrin, M.W., and Graham, A.S. (2004).
Utilizing food as a tool to teach 4th and 5th graders math and science concepts.
presentation at the International Congress of Dietetics, Chicago, Illinois.*
2004 Duffrin, M.W., Phillips, S.K., Geist, E.A., Duffrin, C., Graham, A.S.,
and Manchester, D.S. (2004).
The FoodMASTER initiative: Utilizing food as a tool to teach mathematics and
science concepts.
Poster presentation at the Ohio Dietetics Association Annual Meeting, Columbus,
2004 Graham, A.S., Phillips, S.A., and Duffrin, M.W. (2003, November 7) FoodMASTER
Initiative, Ohio
University Foundation Board of Trustees Luncheon, Athens, Ohio. (Geist invited
as part of the
team, but was out of town at conference)
2003 Food and Nutrition Conference and Exposition – San Antonio TX – Utilizing
Food as a Tool to
Teach 4th and 5th Graders Math and Science Concepts
2003 National Association for the Education of Young Children – Chicago
- The Third Teacher – The
Future of Learning Environments
2002 National Association for the Education of Young Children - New York City
-Children are Born
2001 Research Council on Mathematics Learning - Las Vegas, NV - Teaching Math
in the MTV
2000 National Older Kids Conference - Cincinnati Ohio - Using the Project Approach
in After
School/School Age Child care Programs.
2000 Research Council on Mathematics Learning - Las Vegas, NV - Constructivist
VS Traditional
Methods of Teaching Mathematics.
2000 Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children - Columbus Ohio -
Emphasizing Math in
Early Childhood Using the Project Approach.
2000 Ohio Department of Education - Center for Students, Families, Communities
- Office of Early
Childhood Education=s Annual Conference - Columbus, Ohio - Emphasizing Math
and Reading
at School and Home.
1999 Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference
- Columbus Ohio
Emphasizing Math using the project Approach.
1999 Ohio Department of Education - Division of Early Childhood Annual Conference
- Columbus, Ohio
- Emphasizing Math in Early Childhood Using the Project Approach.
1998 International Reading Association Southwest Regional Convention - New
Orleans, Louisiana
Television=s influence on ADHD behaviors.
1996 International Reading Association Southwest Regional Convention - Fort
Worth, Texas - Genre
Content and Organization of Children=s Invented Stories.
1996 National Association for the Education of Young Children National Convention
- Dallas, Texas -
Math and Science Manipulative for K-3 Beyond Hands On.
1995 Oklahoma Association for the Improvement of Developmental Education Annual
Fall Conference
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Improving College Students= Reading Proficiency
1995 Oklahoma Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Convention - Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma
- Hands On/ Minds On Instruction for Higher Education: Encouraging Students
to Take
Responsibility for Their Learning.
1994 National Association for the Education of Young Children National Convention
- Atlanta, Georgia -
The Importance of Fairy Tales in an Early Literacy Program.
1994 Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting - Nashville,
Tennessee - Written
Retellings as an Instructional Strategy and Powerful Assessment Tool for Children=s
1993 Alabama Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Convention -
Montgomery, Alabama
- In Defense of Fairy Tales: Their Importance in Education.
Poster Presentations - Refereed
1996 Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Meeting - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- The Test -
Retest Reliability of the K-SNAP.
1996 Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Meeting - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- The Test -
Retest Reliability of the K-FAST.
1996 Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Meeting - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- The Test -
Retest Reliability of the WRAVMA.
2004 Geist, E.A & Baum A Improving clinical involvement and research opportunities
undergraduate students $15,000
2003 Duffrin, M.W. Phillips, S.K., Geist, E.A., Duffrin, C., Graham, A.S.,
and Manchester, D.S.
Development of Web-based Foods Activities for Kids. Ohio Dietetics Association.
2003 Duffrin, M.W., Geist, E.A., Graham, A.S., and Manchester, D.S.
Building Partnerships with K-12 Teachers to Establish Infrastructure for Enhanced
Teaching and Learning. $14,374.
2002 Geist - AERA/OERI - $25,000 - Head Start In-Service Training for Math.
2000 Geist, King, Van Hook, Oberlin - Ohio Department of Education 18 month
grant for $200,000 to
improve 2-year and 4-year teacher preparation.
Not Funded
2002 Geist & Duffrin - National Science Foundation (NSF) - $900,000 - FoodMASTER
Math and
Science Teacher Enhancement Resource.
2000 OU Interdisciplinary Writing Team - $500,000 - US Department of Education
- AOhio University
Appalachian Interdisciplinary Student Training Initiative to Serve Children
with Low Incidence
1999 Geist - NSF - $250,000 - Emphasizing Math in 4 Year Old Classrooms.
Under Review
2005 Geist & Matthews – Ohio University 1804 Grant – $30,000
- Extreme Makeover Classroom
Edition: A proposal to create a model active learning, technology rich classroom
at Ohio
2005 Geist & Matthews – NSF – $150,000 - Extreme Makeover Classroom
Edition: A proposal to
create a model active learning, technology rich classroom at Ohio University.
Professional Associations and Activities
2005-present Webmaster for OMEP-USNC
2002-present NAEYC Consulting Editors Panel
2002-present Journal of Instructional Psychology Editorial Board
2001-2003 National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Webmaster
2001-2004 Ohio Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Board
2000-2003 Vice President
2003-present Member at Large
2000-2002 By Laws Committee Chair
2000-present Webmaster
2001-Present Team member for a display installation at the Chicago Art Institute
on future
learning environments
2000-2001 Chair of Posters for NAECTE Annual Meeting
2000-2001 USNC-OMEP Board of Directors - Director of Programs
2000-2005 USNC-OMEP Board of Directors - Newsletter Editor
2000 OAECTE Planning Board - Plan and implement a state affiliate of NAECTE
1999-present NAEYC Accreditation Validator
1998-present Child Development Associate (CDA) Representative
1998-2005 Southeast Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children
1998-2000 Member at Large
2001-2002 Vice President
2003-2005 President
IV. Committees and Service
Public and Professional Service
2005-present OMEP Webmaster
2002-present Consulting Editor for NAEYC Editorial
2002-present Consulting Editor for Journal of Instructional Psychology
2002-2004 Ohio Department of Education Preschool Mathematics Standards Writing
2002 Ohio Department of Education PreK-12 Mathematics Curriculum Model Writing
1999 Performed numerous workshops for Tri-County Community Action’s Head
Programs teachers and staff
1998-present Book reviews for McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall, and other publishers
1998-present Worked as a team member on the Early Childhood Network=s community
educational initiatives funded by a grant through the Kellogg Foundation.
School Committees and Activities
1999 Search Committee for Family Studies (1999)
1998-2004 School Curriculum Chair
1998-2000 Technology Committee
1998-2000 Search Committees for Early Childhood (1998, 1999, 2000)
College Committees and Activities
2004-present Associate Director of the Shared Early Childhood Education Program
2001-2002 Technology Position Search Committee
2001 College of Heath and Human Services Technology Retreat Co-Coordinator
2000-2001 Child Development Center Review Committee
1998-present College Curriculum Committee
University Committees and Activities
2002-2005 Ohio University Research Committee member – Acting Chair 2005 – Chair
to Present
2001-2002 Provost’s Select Committee on Distributed Learning
2001-Present Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning (CITL) Advisory
2000-2005 Faculty Senate rep or Alternate
Educational Policy and Student Affairs Committee
2000-2001 University Curriculum Council
Individual Course Subcommittee
1999-2001 Faculty Associate for James Hall
1999-2002 Institutional Review Board
1998-2000 Child Care Advisory Committee
1998-1999 Ohio University Residence Life Partner
Special Assignments and/or Administrative Responsibilities
2005-2006 NCATE report working group
2002-present Core committee to develop and implement a shared ECE program across
College of Health and Human Services and College of Education
2000-2001 Developed the NCATE folio for the Early Childhood Program in preparation
the NCATE accreditation visit for which Ohio University did receive accreditation.
1998-present Area Coordinator for Child and Family Studies
1998-2000 Developed with Dr. Margaret King the new Early Childhood Education
program to
meet Ohio Department of Education guidelines and licensure requirements.
V. Interdisciplinary Contributions
2004 Developed a faculty learning community entitled “Technology and
Active Learning” in
cooperation with Ohio University’s Center for Innovation and Technology
in Learning.
2002 Created a combined studio seminar class where early childhood students
and Interior
Architecture students worked together to develop innovative classroom designs
2002 Publication in collaboration with David Matthews in Interior Architecture
using virtual 3D environments to raise children=s spatial awareness.
2002 Interdisciplinary grant written with Melanie Duffrin in Foods and Nutrition.
FoodMASTER program would have created a hands-on teacher improvement program
using food science.
2001-2005 Team member along with David Matthews in Interior Architecture for
a display
installation at the Chicago Art Institute on future learning environments.
2000 Participation in the interdisciplinary grant-writing process for an interdisciplinary
intervention program with Hearing and Speech, Physical Therapy, Health Sciences
Early Childhood Education for the U.S. Department of Education entitled, AOhio
University Appalachian Interdisciplinary Student Training Initiative to Serve
Children with
Low Incidence Disabilities.@
Anne Dorsey
(0105) Edwards
PO Box 210105
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0105
Tel: (513)556-3808
Fax: (513)556-3764
E-mail: anne.dorsey@UC.Edu
Dr. Ann Shelly
Chair, Education Department
School of Education and Related Professions
Ashland University
Ashland, OH
Office (419) 289-5388
Home (419) 289-5576
Dr. Wayne Stewart
Dean, School of Education
Panhandle State University
Goodwell, OK 73105
Office: (580) 349-2611
Dr. Margaret King
Professor of Early Childhood Education
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701
Office: (740) 593-2883
Dr. Jerry Aldridge
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Office (205) 934-5371
Home (205) 945-7146
Dr. Rita Boydston
Assistant Professor,
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Jacksonville State University
Office (256) 435-9384
Home (256) 782-5351
boydston@jsucc.jsu.edu |