FIRST PART: Conflict in Early Childhood Psychic Development


1. Just a little bit of theory

2. Psychic development in the child

If we want to help them, we must know them
What is the I and how is it formed?
The process of identification and replacement: foundation of psychic development
Conflict as the motor of development
Two dimensions of conflict
Intra subjective conflicts
Development conflicts and their symptoms
Play as the natural setting for conflict elaboration
Play in early childhood
Teacher's interventions in children's play

3. Interpersonal conflict in the school settings

What is an interpersonal conflict?
Two theoretical approaches on the communication process
Relational conflicts in early childhood
Educating to live together: a project for the Centre

4. Preventive education and the adequate handling of interpersonal conflicts

The early childhood center, building space to live together
Emotional education
An example of emotional education
The educator and the children: a singular relation
The educator: model of communication
The teacher as conflict mediator
Important moments in the mediating process
The physical space: another way of intervening
Family and school, a shared action
The attitude of the teacher towards parents
Ways of interacting with parents
Questionnaire to gather basic information
Questionnaire on the social and affective behavior of the child
The interview
Parent participation in classroom activities
Meeting between teacher, child and parents
Other forms of participation
Training workshops for parents
The transition stage: collaboration between the educator and the family
A possible way of organization