The plants of my area

  • Initiative in Nature preservation
  • Appreciation of the immediate environment
  • Responsability

In all the corners of our planet you can find different kinds of plants; it's very important that we know and protect the original plants in our area.

We will ask the children to observe and draw the plants, when we go on a excursion (to a forest, to the mountain, to the countryside, ...).

Once in the classroom again we will prepare a big mural about the plants. Parents will have to help us:

  • What's the name of each plant?
  • How can we take care of them?
  • What can we obtain from them?

If we have the necessary means, the teacher can prepare an area for typical local plants in the playground. He/she will also prepare a "duty schedule" for the children to take care of those plants.

If possible, we will take pictures of the plants and we will glue them on the mural, beside their names and all the information about them.



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