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Working or taking care of a task or work is perhaps the most important activity for man, because this is the origin of all the material wealth indispensable for life. To work means to strive, to make an effort, to occupy oneself, to organize the conduct after a goal.

The small child has to know from an early age that, although play has to occupy most of his daily life, not everything is a game, and there are things that must be done although they are tedious or even tiring, and that determine obligations that must be strictly fulfilled, this, of course, according to the characteristics of the age group.

The children will be taught to do tasks with the family at home, to cooperate in a joint effort with the family to keep a clean, organized home, where the family can have a cheerful and pretty space.

In the early childhood center, they can be taught tasks such as, to help to put the table cloths and napkins on the table, to help to clean the tables and chairs, to pick up the toys and to order them, to clean the room, to organize the room and the toy shelf, to keep the corners clean, etc.

There are different ways to organize the work activities, for example, the collective works with a socially useful aim, assignments (small orders), work with nature (care of plants, little animals and the surroundings of the early childhood center). Works can be programmed so that the child helps his educator to put away things in the classroom, to hand out materials, etc.).

When doing the activities, the educator will keep in mind that it is very important that the children feel pleasure knowing that they are of help, they work and they are useful, so it is necessary to make them understand that work is not the same as play and that it is an important task that they must finish. It is necessary to emphasize in this age that work does not mean the necessity to create a product but that it has as a main target to contribute to the integral formation of the children.


Summary of the activity: In the first part of the activity the children will make a workshop in which they will work in the organization and preparation of a poetry group, in the second part the poetry group will present its work, and finally the children will talk on the content of the verses.

• To develop in the children the knowledge on the effort that work means.
• To form the first habits of labour activity.

• Practical actions
• Recitation
• Repetition
• Conversation
• Explanation

Material Resources: Fine cardboard, clothes for a peasant, worker, sailor, miner, fisherman, toy hoe, fishing net, pick, toy tools.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
In this first part of the activity the children will prepare all the necessary materials for a poetry group, in which a part of the group will draw, another one will cut out and a third one will glue suns on a large piece of cardboard.

For this the educator will organize the classroom with different tables with the materials on them, and after a brief initial explanation the children will dedicate themselves to their assigned task.

Fifteen children will be selected to rehearse the verses of the poetry group, in this way they will all work in the preparation and organization of the activity.

2ª Part
The poetry group will rehearse with the following organization:

The number of children will be of fifteen and they will be placed indifferently in a small group. One of the children will be dressed as a peasant, others as a worker, sailor, fisherman and miner; the rest will have in their hands a sun done with fine cardboard or cardboard.

The peasant will say:
When the sun rises,
the territories of my land
I cultivate,
when the sun rises,
I am a peasant,
a worker,
when the sun rises,
The choir and all the children will say the final verse (when the sun rises) and the choir raises suns.
The worker will say:
When the sun rises,
to the factory soon,
I walk,
when the sun rises,
because I am a worker,
when the sun rises,
The choir and all the children will say the final verse (when the sun rises) and the choir raises suns.
The sailor placing his hand on the forehead as a visor, will say:
When the sun rises,
by the seas of the world
I sail,
when the sun rises
I am a sailor,
The fisherman continues saying:
And the fisherman,
when the sun rises,
I fish,
when the sun rises,
because I am
a great fisherman.
The choir and all the children will say the final verse (when the sun rises) and the choir raises suns.
The miner says:
When the sun rises,
I go to the centre of the Earth
when the sun rises,
because I am a miner
when the sun rises
The five children step forward, they will hold hands and they will say together with the choir that will raise the moving suns:
When the sun rises,
to build life,
I walk,
when the sun rises,
because I am from the country
when the sun rises,
the sun
the sun
when the sun rises

3rd Part
There will be a conversation on the effort of these workers, who rise very early to do their work, thanks to them we have, what the peasant cultivates, what the worker makes, what the fisherman fishes, what the sailor brings in his cargo vessels from other countries, the minerals that the miner extracts from the earth.

Observed conduct
They did the choir well.
They understood the importance of the work that some workers make.
They needed help to understand the importance of the work that some workers do.
They cooperated in a common effort to prepare the poem.
They concentrated in their activity without distracting themselves from their objectives.


Summary of the activity: This is a didactic game with cards that have different products. The child will have to identify the picture and say who produces it, trying to continue developing positive experiences regarding work.

Objectives: To develop in the children experiences about the usefulness of the work of the peasant and the worker.

• Game
• Conversation
• Questions and answers

Material Resources: Cards with different illustrations of agricultural, sea and industrial products.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator explains to the children the game and its rules.

The game consists of presenting to the children a group of 15 cards of 10 x 10 cm. that will have drawn: a mango, a cabbage, a watermelon, an orange, an apple, a fish, a sponge, a shrimp, a quid, a lobster, a house, a television set, a camcorder, a refrigerator, a computer.

15 cards are given to the children, 5 red ones which represent the worker’s work, 5 green ones which represent the peasant’s work, and 5 blue ones which represent the fisherman’s work.

The group is divided into two teams with the same number of members. Each group will have to play in 7 opportunities (7 cards each one). The card number 15 will be kept to be used in case of a tie, for which the turn to answer will be given by tossing a coin.

The educator will show the first card, the children will raise the corresponding card and will explain why they have raised that card.

Rules of the game:
1.- By each card that is raised correctly they will win a point.
2.- The winner will be the team that accumulates more points.

2nd Part
The educator and the children will talk about the workers’ work, the peasants’, the fishermen’s, the miners’, and he will emphasize the usefulness that the effort of each one of these workers to give us the things that they produce with their work.

The children will be asked about the work that their parents do, and it will be highlighted how their parents also contribute with their work and effort, so that all can live better.

Observed conduct
They understood the necessity to work and to make an effort in order to live.
They needed help to understand the necessity to work and to make an effort in order to live.
They understood the meaning of the cards.
They remained in the game without being distracting by other people's stimuli.
They expressed favourable notions on work and joint effort.


Summary of the activity: The educator will give the children a group of tasks that were previously designed for small groups, so that the children do them as an obligation to be fulfilled although it can look like a game.

• That the children learn to do socially useful tasks with pleasure.
• To continue teaching them the differences between game and work

• Tasks to be done
• Conversation

Material Resources: The materials will be selected according to the type of task that has been assigned to each small group.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator explains to the children the entrusted task, for example, to clean their workstation, to prepare and to distribute the materials for the activity, to empty the waste-paper basket, to help to distribute the water, places setting, glasses in the dining room, etc.

These are only examples; the educator can select other tasks, always considering the physical possibilities and the individual taste of the children for some things.

He must insist that the children understand that it is a task that has to be fulfilled, and that it cannot be left or be turned into a game like others they know, and that their efforts will be rewarded.

2nd Part
Before beginning the activity the educator will recite a poem about work to the children.

3rd Part
The children will do the activity, and later guided by the educator, they will evaluate the work done by each group in charge of a specific task.

The educator will ask the following questions:
Did you like the activity?
Is it useful what you have done? Why?
Do you help your parents at home?
What tasks do you do?
Do you like to help your parents and the educator? Why?

Once the assessment in the group is done, the educator will suggest awarding the best ones with moral recognitions, and he will reinforce the usefulness of mutual work and common effort.

Observed conduct
They did the entrusted task well and carried it out until the end.
They needed help to do the entrusted task well and carry it out until the end.
They did the entrusted task with pleasure.
They made positive manifestations of the labour task they carried out.
They suggested helping in the household and the classroom tasks.


Summary of the activity: This is a group work in the garden of the school. In the first part the educator explains to the children what the work consists of, he distributes the tasks, later the children will learn a poem related to the flowers to be recited before the beginning, then they will evaluate what they did and they will talk on the usefulness of the work done and finalize singing the song "How cheerful is my garden."

If in your school there is no garden, the work can be done cleaning the room and the toys, or in any other area of the center that does not have any danger for the children and as long as the tasks do not exceed their physical possibilities.

Objectives: To develop in the children experiences and emotions of pleasure and joy for the collective work done.

• Practical actions
• Conversation
• Repetition
• Recitation
• Singing

Material Resources: Objects of work: brooms, rakes, watering cans, hats for the sun, gloves to protect the hands, bags to gather leaves and other stuff.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will explain to the children the work to be done. He organizes the work by groups:
- A group waters the flowers and other plants in the garden.
- Another gets rid of the weeds.
- Another one gathers dry leaves.
- Another gets rid of the papers or some other waste in the green area.

Although the work is collective each child will do an activity and a poem is taught, so that the children can recite it before beginning the activity.

2nd Part
The children will recite the poem and later they will do the work together with the educator that will also have his task.

During the course of the collective work the educator will try to make favourable comments out of the work that they are doing, of how good is the effort and the collective work, of how beautiful the garden will be later, of how they will be able to say that it is a product of their work, among other comments, and he will prompt those that the children will say spontaneously.

3rd Part
In a session in the classroom after the joint work, the educator and the children will evaluate the work done. The children will explain what they did and why it is necessary to do it.

They will finalize singing a song.

Observed conduct
They did the entrusted work well until the end.
They needed a lot of help to do the work, mainly to carry it out until the end.
They showed pleasure for the work done.
They understood the utility of the work done.
They helped each other during the course of the activity.


Summary of the activity: A visit to a workshop or any other place will be done where the children can observe the collective work of the people, whenever the place does not entail any danger for them.

The first part of the activity will consist of the preparation of the visit, later it will be done, and finally they will talk about what was observed in it.

Objectives: That the children know the usefulness of the workers’ work.

• Conversation
• Observation
• Stroll
• Explanation

Material Resources: A camera or a camcorder can be used in case they want to take photos or to make a film on the visit.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
Firstly the educator will organize the children’s visit to a workshop near the school and he will make sure that there is no risk for them.

He will talk with the children about the place they are going to visit and what they will observe there. Next the children will make gifts for the workers, for example: cards, drawings, book markers, a poster, etc.

The educator can show photos or pictures related to the conditions and characteristics of the work of the place that they are going to visit, so that the children have some previous knowledge of what they will observe there and can think about questions to ask the workers.

2nd Part
The visit will be done. During the same one they will develop the following activities:

-The children will observe the joint work of the workers. This will be done from a place where there is no risk and later one of the workers or the educator will explain the work that is done in that place. It is necessary, above all, to explain to them, in a simple way, the production process, so that they see that the manufacturing of the product does not depend on a single person but on the coordinated action of many.
-The educator and the children will thank the workers for having allowed them to know them and they will give them the gifts made.

3rd Part
After the visit the educator will talk with the children on the things observed in the place, about the social usefulness of the work of those people. If photos or films have been taken, they will be exposed or projected so that the children observe them before the conversation.

Observed conduct
They expressed and imitated in their games and activities what they observed in the visit.
They showed expressions of admiration and respect towards the workers’ work.
They recognized the usefulness of the workers’ work.
They needed help to recognize the usefulness of the workers’ work.


Summary of the activity: This is a role play with the argument of "The workers" and their participants will be all the children who wish to take part in it. It will be used to evaluate the work done in the entire block.

• To develop in the child experiences about the workers’ work.
• To consolidate the notions of the effort and joint work done.

• Game
• Practice
• Conversation
• Observation

Material Resources: A play corner of the classroom where we can find the necessary things for the children to play the workshop: Some toy tools and symbols to carry out the activity that they saw in the stroll.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
An initial conversation in which the children will be asked who wishes to play, and once formed the game group; they will choose all the toys and symbols necessary to develop it. They should be within reach of the children.

In the course of this conversation the educator will ask the children questions so that they describe their experiences about what they saw and listened in the stroll on the workers’ work.

2nd Part
The game will begin and during its development, the educator will take part in an indirect way to make suggestions to help maintain the argument alive, to enrich the actions necessary to develop it and also to obtain good interrelations among the children. He will also help in a friendly way to solve any conflict that arises and will demonstrate to those children who need it how the workers work.

3rd Part
The activity will conclude with a final conversation, in which the children together with the educator will value how they played, stressing how the workers worked.

Finally the educator will summarize the conversation systematizing what was learned about the joint effort of the workers, the peasants, the miners, and of many people who feed, dress, wear us, who give us schools, etc.

Observed conduct
They developed the argument of the game correctly until the end.
They developed the actions corresponding to the role carried out.
They made comments about the importance of the workers’ work.
They knew how to solve the conflicts arisen during the game.
They demonstrated with their behaviour defined notions on the value of the joint work.