If we asked the people around us to make a list of the basic characteristics or trends of the current society, almost surely, they would mention quite a few negative behaviors and values of the human being. Behaviors that are the origin of numerous problems and social conflicts: violence of all kind, deterioration of the environment, margination, poverty, consumerism, drug addictions, etc. These are problems that condition our “quality of life” and our life as human beings.
If we looked further at the causes of this negative vision, we could easily arrive at the predominant model of socialization and relation in our society: we live in a culture of violence and contempt.
In the face of this reality there is a general request to act as soon as possible and develop preventive actions to stop unwanted behaviors. The demand is for the governments and different agents of socialization (family, school, and mass media) to come to an agreement and plan proposals that bring about a radical change in our social model.
Learning to live together is not achieved by decree.
Learning to live together and in peace is not achieved, and experience has demonstrated so, by doing interesting but isolated actions, always loaded with good will and voluntary efforts, as our society has shown us day by day.
Learning to live together and in peace can only be achieved by a plan of action that is perfectly structured that leads the children and fills their minds with norms, values, concepts and behaviors towards the assumption of peace and the rejection of violence as essential components of their personalities. And we have to do this when the personality of the children is being formed and not later.
It is indispensable to make a profound social change. And this change can only come about from the creation of an educating society, where education for all the children in the world is a reality and not just a speech that later gets lost.
To make this possible and to reflect on how this education should be so it can lay the foundation on how all people can live together regardless of their origin and circumstances, we are holding the Permanent Chair of all of us, which main objectives of this Project are:
• Highlight the stage of initial and preschool education as the best time to model a harmonious personality in children as well as to provide them with education in values as this is the time when they are shaped in children.
• To make the world aware of the fact that only with quality, global education, full of values in the widest sense of the term, can we achieve a better world.
• Make available for teachers, pedagogical and methodological procedures to help them instill in children norms, values, concepts and behaviors that foster the attainment of peace and the rejection of violence as essential components of their personality. We propose a continuous work with the children to influence any future actions on their part, to pass on values that remain with them for life.
• To call on Supranational Institutions and Governments to provide the necessary resources and to work so that all the children in the world, without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, national or social origin, economic situation, birth or any other condition, have access to the quality education they deserve just for being children, and from the moment of their birth.