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The development of self confidence in 0 to 6 year olds depends fundamentally on the adult and his methods to educate the children.

It is necessary to teach the child to have a suitable disposition to conduct actions with joy and security, to show himself as he is and to express what he feels and thinks, all this is very important so that he has confidence in himself.

The educator must allow the child to express and exchange with him his experiences, to let him act spontaneously, to accept to make the task that is given to him with disposition and affability, in short, to establish an adapted relation with the child.

Another important aspect to develop in the child is self confidence, it means to offer him the possibility of acting by himself, to reach a satisfactory result in the activity, for this when preparing the activities the educator will think as a starting point what the child can achieve, according to his real and potential development, what he needs to do, the achievements we want him to reach, and where he must reach given objectives raised in the program.

To the point where the child is more independent if he finds the right solution for each task, he will have more confidence in himself.

Another important subject is the adapted and fair evaluation that the adult does of the activities of the child, this is a determining factor in his emotional state and the attitude that he assumes before the different tasks that are entrusted to him and in the reliability in himself; since he always waits for this evaluation from the adult, who is his model and who guides him in the acquisition of knowledge; if we evaluate him unfairly or unsuitably, with methods that hurt him, he will lose confidence in himself.

It is necessary to praise the child, to stimulate him when something comes out well, and if he does not do something correctly we tell him that today he did not do well, but if he continues working tomorrow it will come out better.


Summary of the activity: This activity will begin with a puppet theatre, then a conversation and finally the children will draw and model the little duck Monono.

• To show the children that insecurity and lack of confidence in themselves can prevent them from enjoying pleasant and pretty things.
• To initiate directed actions to foster confidence in themselves.

• Narration
• Conversation
• Questions and answers
• Practical Actions
• Dramatization

Material Resources: Puppet theatre and two stick or glove puppets: Pomponia and Monono. Cassette recorder.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator narrates with the help of the puppets the "Monono" story:

"It rained a lot that afternoon! Rain leaked through the nest of the duck Pomponia that was very happy surrounded by her small children". (This is said by the educator that will be the narrator).
"The little ducks leant out under the wings of their mother, watching the heavy shower falling and, from time to time, they ran outside to get soaked and to shake their little wings covered with yellow feathers." (Continues the narrator).
"How cold is the water? Let’s go to the lagoon!_ they shouted pushing Pomponia, who in the end made up her mind to take them." (Pomponia puppet leans out its head).
"But one of the little brothers said that they should not count on him because he did not know how to swim and could drown." (The narrator).
"This Monono is always afraid; he always thinks that he cannot do things. Don’t you know my son that ducks do not have to go the school to learn how to swim? Don’t you know that when little ducks are born they already know how to swim?_ said the mother duck (Pomponia Puppet).
_ "That has to be for the other ducks, mummy Pomponia, but not for me, I can’t swim, the little duck Monono said with a great insecurity and distress."
(Monono Puppet).
Their little brothers that were listening screamed _ "This Monono is always scared!" (Narrator).
_ "Boy, have confidence in yourself, and in others, listen to what I’m telling you" -
Pomponia told him off; but his mother’s attitude made him even more insecure.(Pomponia and the narrator).
_ "Quack, Quack!"_ refused Monono (Monono denying).
_ "How dare you say that, you rude?" _ the duck got angry (angry Pomponia)
_"Quack, Quack, leave me alone!"_ he repeated_"No, I can’t even think of wetting the tip of my beak! I am a dry duck and that’s it!"(Monono)
_"Ok"_ she said _. "Stay in the house while we are going to have fun" (Pomponia)
The little duck saw them move away and grieved, as he would like to go as well, if only he could swim (Narrative).
Hiding himself not to be discovered, he arrived at the lagoon where his family was gathered together and, saying very quietly: I can one, I can two, he threw himself head first into the chilly and calm water of the lagoon, verifying, enchanted that he knew how to swim. Wow! Wow! (The narrator with Monono in the hand doing as if he was swimming in the lagoon).
Having a large protruding abdomen Monono was floating! Wow! Wow! (Monono moving as if it swam).
_ "Mummy, look"_ he shouted _"I am a swimming duck! (Monono)
_ "Quack, Quack, Quack!"_ the mother and the little brothers laughed at him seeing him stamping and dousing as a duck confident of his abilities as a good swimmer (The narrator takes in his hand Pomponia that moves as if she laughed)
And Monono, convinced that all the ducks know how to swim although nobody teaches them because they only need to have confidence in themselves, moved away proudly on the water as a pretty little boat of feathers (The narrator with Monono in the hand doing as if he moved away).

2nd Part
The educator talks with the children to make them see that confidence in themselves depends on what one proposes to do.

Did you like the story?
What message does this play tell us? What have you learned?
Why didn’t Monono want to enter the lagoon?
Couldn’t Monono really swim or was it only ideas that he had?
What did Monono need to be able to swim?
Did Monono have confidence in himself?
Do you know somebody similar to Monono?

The answers of the children can be recorded to be listened later.

3rd Part
The children will model and draw Monono, his little brothers and the duck Pomponia, after their works are done, they will tell what happened to Monono, using their own drawings.

Observed conduct
They knew how to analyze critically the insecure conduct of the little duck Monono.
They needed help to analyze critically the insecure conduct of the little duck.
They related the story of Monono to their own experiences.
They mentioned not to be like the little duck.
They indicated the insecure conducts as no good.


Summary of the activity: The activity will begin with the narration of a story, then, the educator together with the children will make a comparative analysis between the attitude of the little duck Monono of the previous story, and the one of the tiny Pony.

Objectives: That the children learn to compare the benefits and damages of reliability and insecurity in themselves.

• Narration
• Conversation
• Questions and answers
• Analysis and synthesis
• Comparison

Material Resources: Text of the story, series of pictures with scenes about the argument.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
Consists of the narration of the story.

"The tiny Pony."
Long ago, in a corner of a property, a jet black little horse was born and he was so small that he looked like a toy pony. The birds that lived close by got immediately excited with the news. All came flying to contemplate it closely. (Display the picture).
_ What a beautiful thing! That creature is so precious!_ trilled a little bird..
_ My child will be called Pirulí_said his mother.
The childhood of the pony was very happy. It spent the time trotting with his companions and learning to speak with a parrot that was a bit scatterbrained, that repeated to him from morning to night:_ Mummy, Daddy, Mummy, Daddy......
The pony was very happy drinking cool water in the little stream, watching the sun rise, galloping as he pleased through the meadow covered with little roses,.
Three years passed by. All the other foals had grown and were great horses, but not Pirulí; he was the same size, but he knew how to march very well, to stand in two legs, and he had even learned to greet, bending a knee or inclining the head (To display picture).
But something very bad happened to him once. One day, Pirulí approached the corral where there were two men, and he heard one of them saying and pointing to him:
_ This little horse cannot carry bundles, nor pull a small cart, nor take a rider. He is good for nothing.
The pony went away from there very sad. He walked slowly and moved away from the corral, and went to the lagoon where he contemplated itself for a while afflicted._ I am not worth anything, he said_I’m a rag horse. And he cried for a long time.
And his Mummy appeared, and she asked him scared: _Why are you crying, Pirulí?
Pirulí told his Mummy what he had heard. Its Mummy felt sorry when seeing the pain of her little beloved son, and she told him sweetly: _ If you are different from the other horses it does not mean that you are worth less. In addition, to carry bundles is not the only thing that can be done in life.
Drying the tears with his tail, Pirulí assured with grief:_ But, Mummy, it is that they make fun of me. And I do not like it when they make fun of me.
_ Then, go away and look for your place elsewhere. The world is wide for those who trust their possibilities, you are small but you know how to do many things that other horses do not know how to do.
At dawn of the next morning, Pirulí left sure that he would find his happiness, because he was a very intelligent pony.
_ Good bye, mummy.
_ Good bye, Pirulí, Good luck, you know that you can be successful if you make an effort.
A year went by, a second year went by. Nobody even remembered the tiny pony. Only his Mummy did not forget him. The one day, THE CIRCUS arrived in the town! And everybody went to see it. (Show a picture).
_ Dear spectators: we are pleased to present the great Piccolino! The most intelligent horse of the world!
There he was, Piccolino, being applauded! The great Piccolino! He was jet black, with curly mane and great shiny eyes. He had bridles of gold tissue, a plume of feathers on the forehead, and a saddle embroidered in silver threads, and he was so small, but so small, and he marched very well and he knew how to greet bending and to dance in two legs... and was so sure of itself! Piccolino was the tiny pony! (Show picture).

2nd Part
In this second part, the educator will try to draw the children’s attention to the confidence of Pirulí in himself.

Are the conducts of Monono and the Tiny pony similar in any way? We are going to talk on this.

The children guided by the educator will make a comparative analysis between the attitude of both characters and will emphasize some passages of the story of the tiny pony to be commented:

• If you are different from the other horses that does not mean that you are worth less.
• The world is wide for those that trust their possibilities, you are small but you know how to do many other things that others do not know how to do.
• In addition, to load bulks is not the only thing that can be done in life.
• The pony was able to do something good because it had confidence in itself

Observed conduct
They knew how to analyze the damages of the insecure conduct of Monono.
They needed help to analyze the damages of the insecure conduct of Monono.
They knew how to analyze the benefits of the sure conduct of the Tiny pony.
They needed help to analyze the benefits of the sure conduct of the Tiny pony.
They knew how to compare the conduct of both characters.
They needed help to compare the conduct of both characters.


Summary of the activity: This is a recital made by the children in tribute to the tiny pony. The children will sing and recite poems and songs dedicated to the tiny pony, and finally they will talk about his qualities.

• To cause in the children emotions and positive feelings towards the self confident characters.
• To develop in the children artistic abilities for recitation and singing.

• Recitation
• Singing
• Conversation

Material Resources: Poems and songs with content related to the subject matter.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The children will sing or recite. Each child is given only one verse to recite or sing. This can be said in the form of poem or song.

2nd Part
The educator will invite all the children so that they speak about the tiny pony, his qualities, and how he knew how to maintain his self confidence, in spite of his physical limitations.

Observed conduct
The showed positive emotions during the recitation.
They expressed positive comments about having confidence in themselves.
They managed to recite verses with appropriate intonation and rhythm.
They made manifestations of rejections towards insecure conducts.
They seemed to trust their own strengths.


Summary of the activity: This is a movement game. In the first part of the activity the teacher explains to the children what the game "I can" consists of and its rules, in the second part the children will play the game and finally the winners will award themselves

• To develop in the children experiences about actions where reliability and confidence in their possibilities are shown.
• To teach them to distinguish the qualities of someone sure of himself.

• Practical actions
• Explanation
• Game
• Conversation

Material Resources: A bench of some height (50 cm. approximately) and a rope of 3 meters in length.

Development of the activity:
The educator explains to the children the game "Let’s cross the river" and the rules.

Organization of the game:
The children will form three or four teams and will be placed behind a starting line. Each team will have the name of a colour or a number.

In front of each team a stretched rope of approximately 3 meters in length will be placed. And at the end there will be a bench of approximately 50 cm. of height.

At the educator’s order, the first children of each team will leave walking on the rope with the arms extended laterally, trying to keep balance. When they arrive at the end of the rope, they will step on the bench and they will jump over, taking care to land with the feet together, later they will seat facing their team in the same order of arrival. The game will continue like that until everybody has walked on the rope and jumped over the bench.

1.- The team that does better the activity and finishes first, wins
2.- One is not due to leave until the classmate is seated.
3.- In the jump it is necessary to fall with the feet together.

If any child could not do the circuit, the educator will help him so that all feel able to do it.

Observed conduct
They did the movements well.
They needed help to make the movements.
They showed an assertive behaviour when making the movements.
They expressed favourably on the individual and group benefit.


Summary of the activity: This is a game of riddles called "Guess the character".

Objectives: To reaffirm the knowledge that the children have on sure and insecure conducts.

• Games
• Riddles

Material Resources: Cards with the description of the characters.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
Guess the character.

The educator will make the following descriptions:

1.- He is a little animal that had some physical limitations. One day, something very bad happened to him and he was very sad, this is why his Mummy told him: “If you are different from the others that does not mean that you are worth less. The world is wide for those who trust their possibilities, you are small but you know how to do many things that bigger ones do not know”, and as this character listened to his Mummy, he left to travel the world to prove his luck, and he was lucky because he returned triumphant and safe.
2.- He is a frightened character, he always thinks that he cannot do the things that their equal ones can do: That is not for me, I will not be able to do it, he said with great insecurity and distresses. His Mummy refuted that, telling him: “Boy, have confidence in you”. One day, his Mummy got upset and she told him: “How dare you say that, you are rude”, and this was worse for him, because he felt more insecure.

Once the children guess the characters, which is going to be very easy, the educator initiates a conversation on the positive and negative differences of each character, about the quality that we are working: confidence in ourselves.

Observed conduct
They guessed the character quickly and in an independent way.
They needed help to guess the character.
They could contrast a character with another one.
They indicated differences in the characters and they related them to the confidence in themselves.


Summary of the activity: It consists of asking the children a series of questions, within a conversation on the subject, to verify if they behave confidently or not.

Objectives: To verify if the children show themselves insecure or sure in their actions.

• Questions and answers
• Conversation

Material Resources: Texts with the questions, cassette recorder.

Development of the activity:
The educator does an overview of what was done in the previous activities and suggests talking about it, in order to see what the children think of it and to let them reach their own conclusions.

When you want to do something that is very difficult do you prefer not to do it? Why?
Do you do things that can have bad results?
Did It happen to you as to the little duck Monono, that are moments that it seems that it is not possible to do things that we know how to do?
Do you feel confident that everything is going to come out well?
Did you like the tiny Pony? Why?
Are you like Monono?
Explain why you feel insecure when you are going to do something? Why?

The opinions of the children can be recorded and listened to again before reaching conclusions, as well as to keep them after the activity, to listen to them later.

Observed conduct
They have enriched the notions on self confidence that they had at the beginning of the activities of this block.
They have only acquired some notions on secure or insecure conduct.
Their answers show that they are sure of themselves.
Their answers show that they are insecure.
They knew how to discuss their answers.
They needed help to discuss their answers.