sin título

Curiosity can be defined as the desire to see, to know and to understand. Curiosity has many definitions that go from the constant prying to indiscretion, from investigation to peculiarity or novelty.

But it also means cleanliness, beauty, neatness and care when one says that something curious is interesting or significant.

But curiosity is not just to pry around, which is what a person does when she tries to find out something that does not matter to her.

As we can see, curiosity really has two sides, one positive, that leads to knowledge, and another negative, that leads to gossip. If this is so, should we foster curiosity in our children?

Curiosity is indispensable to scientific thought, and, always, in the base of all questions asked by a scholar or a talented man there is great curiosity to find the answers of the surrounding world.

The child almost from his birth is naturally curious, and this is why he gets in contact with the objects and the adults who surround him, in order to learn what they are and why they are there. In the base of knowledge is man’s curiosity to learn.

This is why the little child, from the earliest childhood, has to be taught to be curious in a positive way, and to try to avoid non edifying curiosity, To teach him rules and how far it is possible to inquire, and to make him know the rules that society imposes to free knowledge.

It is clear that what we have just said does not have any meaning for the child, and that he only wants to know more and more. And it is the educator’s task to channel that desire to know towards routes that make it possible for the child to achieve a greater intellectual development.


Summary of the activity: The educator will explain to the children through descriptions and explanations what curiosity is, how a person is curious and how useful it can be to know some things.

Later he will tell a story that deals with a curious character, after that he will ask them to answer the questions that one of the characters of the story asks. In addition, in another part of the activity, the children will create their own stories, they will count anecdotes of well-known people or story characters that are curious by nature.

• To develop in the children notions on curiosity.
• To wake up in the children the eagerness to know and to understand.

• Conversation
• Observation
• Questions and answers
• Elaboration

Material Resources: A tableau, a teddy bear to manipulate, cassette recorder.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
It consists of a description made by the educator on curious people, in this way he will explain to the children that to be curious is to be a person who loves to know how things are and the reason why, and that this is indispensable to be able to study, to find out why nature is as it is.

He will give examples of famous curious local people (scientists, musicians, artists, etc.), also of people known by the children, who can be considered examples for the children, and who stand out for their work, their art, their science.

He will also give examples of people or story characters that are curious, and the damage that they do to themselves and to other people when their curiosity is to know what they should not know or for things that do not interest them. This can harm the relations with others, which is very embarrassing and they can be called "nosy" because they want to know what is not their business.

The educator will spend time in this differentiation of curiosity, saying that the important thing is to be curious to know the world, and to be able to help others.

Later he will make questions to the children to state if they have understood what he explained to them, such as:
How is a curious person?
Do you know somebody that is like this?
Why is it good to be curious?
Why one should not be curious on what it is not our business?

2nd Part
The children will meet the teddy bear will be made, and he will tell a story to them where there is a curious character. The name of the bear is Pomposo.

Before the narration the educator will orientate the children about the content of the work, so that an observation directed towards our objective is obtained: to appreciate the positive behaviors and curiosity.

The narration is called "The Bear and the Doll"

The Puppet Bear Pomposo comes to class and says: This is a history so that children learn that curiosity is the source of knowing all things, and that when something is not known, it is necessary to ask to learn about it. And as all stories it begins with:

Once upon a time…there was a little bear. He had brown skin, a shiny black nose and, and black little eyes. (The bear points to the great picture of the little bear).
The little bear was very proud to look like a true bear of the forest and he wanted to behave as one. But he did not know what he had to do for it, because he was only a cuddly toy. He had never seen a forest or a real bear.
Then he went to see the doll and he asked her: (The teacher shows a picture of the little bear and the doll talking).
"Hey, do you know what real bears do?
"I do not know very well - the doll answered but it seems that they climb the trees.
The little bear watched around the room, but he did not find any trees, only a very big wardrobe. "This wardrobe can be like a true tree, thought the little bear, the only thing is that it is cut in timbers, armed and painted. I am going to climb it."
How the little bear panted and grunted when he was climbing it because the wardrobe was very tall and he was very little. He had almost reached the top part when suddenly... his little paw slid and Bang! he fell down. (The teacher shows a picture of the bear climbing and falling). He hardly got hurt, but he got very scared.
The little bear returned then to where the doll was and he asked her:
"I am not going to climb trees any more. What other thing do real bears do?”
The doll thought and remembered: "The bears eat honey"
The little bear went then to the pantry and was unlucky, because inside everything was dark.
"Well, it thought, I am going to put my claw in the first jar I find on this side. Surely that will be honey"
Poor little bear! When he licked his paw, he began to sneeze and to pant. His snout burned as fire. And this was not strange, because in the jar there was no honey, but spicy sauce (The teacher shows a picture of the bear burning with the jar of spicy sauce).
Again the little bear went to the doll and asked her:
"I do not want to look for more honey. What other things do real bears do?
The doll finally said: "It seems to me that real bears fish in the streams of the mountains".
Therefore, the little bear decided to look for a stream. He went to the bathroom, he climbed the washbasin, and he took hold of the tap of water.
He grunted: There is always water coming out of here, perhaps along with it there will be also fish, and then I can grab them."
The tap made a noise and suddenly water started to come out. Before the little bear could escape, he was already completely soaked, and there was no sign of fish. (Scene of the little bear being soaked by the tap of water).
Again the little bear approached the doll and he asked her: "These mountain streams that there are in this flat are terribly humid and they do not have any fish. What other things do the bears of the forest do?"
And the doll said: "The bears sleep in the winter and wait for the spring".
"I think that will be what I will like most – the little bear answered – and it is the best thing that I canl imitate."
Then he went to a corner as if he was a small young sheep with a brown colour, he yawned and he fell asleep. (Image of the little bear in a calm and deep dream).
Free translation of a story by M. Lastowiecka

3rd Part
Once ended the narration of the story of the Pomposo Bear the educator will ask the children:
Why do you think that the little bear wanted to know about the bears of the forest? Why is it good to be as curious as the little bear?
Is it correct for the little bear to want to be like real bears?
What names could we give to the little bear?
Do you have a friend like the curious little bear?

The educator will close the activity with a comment on the need to be curious, in order to be able to know how world things are, and he will stress the help that the doll offered to the little bear because his curiosity was positive: he wanted to be like the real bears.

4th Part
In this part, the children, based on the notions acquired in the previous activities, in well-known stories and their own experiences have to make up their own story on "The importance of being curious" or some other similar suggestive title.

The educator must make sure that the children construct the story by themselves, but he will help with questions those who cannot, so that they can achieve the task. And he will try that these stories are about the positive aspect of curiosity.

Observed conduct
They knew how to give a simple explanation on what curiosity is and how a curious person is.
They gave examples of curious people.
They knew why it is necessary to be curious.
They praised the positive behaviour of the characters.
They made a coherent story on the importance of being curious.


Summary of the activity: The activity consists of an adapted drama of a Russian story. In the first part the educator has to gather the group to distribute the characters, to clarify the different children’s lines, and to set up the primary target of the story. In the second part the children will dramatize the story, finally they will make a group dynamics activity to extract the main lessons of the dramatized facts.

• To reinforce the utility of positive curiosity.
• To teach the children another kind of curiosity.

• Dramatization
• Observation
• Questions and answers
• Conversation

Material Resources: Stage or platform, materials and clothes for the different characters, text of the dramatization.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
Before beginning this activity, the educator must learn the story well, and once he knows it he should study each one of the characters and prepare suitably for the activity. He will select the children who are going to take part in the dramatization, in this selection he has to consider that each one of the selected children represents the character that they have liked better.

The story will be read to the children who are going to act it out as many times as it is necessary so that they know it well and they learn the character that they are going to play, who has been identified by them, the one that they want and understand, so that they feel as if they were the characters they are playing.

2nd Part
The stage for the dramatization has to be prepared beforehand, making sure that it matches with the atmosphere for the plot of the story.

Dramatization of the story "Who said Miaow?"

Before beginning the dramatization the educator will explain to the members of the audience what they are going to see, because they must pay a lot of attention because later they will have to answer questions on what they have seen and listened.

The educator will relate the story:

"There was once a small dog that was sleeping over a carpet, next to a sofa (The character of the small dog will appear asleep in the scene). Suddenly, while he was dreaming he heard somebody saying "Miaow "! (An off-voice with the miaow of a cat must be heard).
The small dog raises his head and looks around: "It must have been a dream". (Looks around and lies down to sleep again).
And at that moment he heard again “Miaow!" (off-voice).
The Small dog rises and says "Who is there? He moves around the room, he looks under the bed, under the table. "There was nobody!"
"What a strange thing. I am going to look through the window (He climbs on the windowsill and sees a rooster taking a walk).
"Are you the one who said "Miaow "? He asks the rooster that responds:
“No way. I say cock-a-doodle-doo!” (He sings with a high and strong voice).
"And you do not know how to say anything else?"
"No. Only cock-a-doodle-doo.”
The small dog scratches his ear, and he returns to the room, and just when he is going to sit down, he hears again “Miaow!”.
"This has been right here next to the door" (He moves cautiously towards the door of the room. Then he saw dirt piled next to the door, and he started to dig until a grey very little mouse jumped from there. (A child with the disguise of the mouse jumps).
"Have you said "Miaow”?" he asks the little mouse angrily.
"Who, me?, the little mouse screams saying "Hi-hi-hi". Who has said that? (The little mouse asks very frightened).
"Somebody has said "Miaow."
"Was it around here? (The little mouse answers alarmed). "What fear! I’ll be out of here like a shot" (The mouse disappears leaving the scene running).
The small dog remains thinking. Suddenly, near his house, somebody says "Miaow" again. (The small dog goes running around the house three times, but he does not find anybody). But suddenly he saw something moving inside.
"Aha! I’ll catch him right now." and quietly approached the house, suddenly a big dog appears with all his fur untidy (The child of the character of the big dog jumps and jumps around the small dog). He grunts strongly: "Grrr..grrr..grrr..”
"I... I... wanted to know " (shaking). Has it been you who have said Miaow? (In low voice and with the tail between the legs).
"Me...You are making fun of me, you rude dog?"
When the big dog said this to him, the small dog started to run towards his house and he locked himself in it. Suddenly a "Miaow" was heard. He jumps with a start and sees in the window a striped cat with abundant fur: "Miaow" says the cat.
"Wof Wof", the small dog began to bark, but he remembered how the fierce dog barked and grunted and said to him. "Grrr..grrr..grrr..”
The cat bristled and began to snort and to puff. And he jumped out of the window and he went away.
The small dog returned to the carpet satisfied and he laid down to sleep (The young character lies down in the middle of the room) and says: "Now I already know who said "Miaow".

3rd Part
After the dramatization of the story the educator will ask the children the following questions, among others:
What characters in this story are curious? Why are we saying that they are curious?
What would you do if suddenly you heard "Miaow" and there was nobody?
Why did the small dog want to know who said "Miaow"?

The educator will give help to the children who need it using support questions so that they talk about the subject. The activity will be concluded giving the children the possibility to count curious behaviors of some of their small classmates, friends, neighbours, relatives, etc.

Observed conduct
They identified the characters with curious behaviors.
The knew how to explain why the little animals were curious.
They declared in their answers to the questions that they understood what curiosity is.
They suggested acting as the curious little animals.
They expressed desires to repeat the activity.


Summary of the activity: In the first part the educator presents the subject and asks the children for initial opinions, later in the second part the selected story is related, and finally a meeting is held to draw conclusions.

• To demonstrate to the children that curiosity can have a negative aspect.
• To form attitudes of rejection towards the negative curiosity.

• Story
• Conversation
• Questions and answers

Material Resources: Pictures of the story, cassette recorder.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator holds an informal meeting in the classroom or outer area to focus on the subject of the activity: that curiosity can have negative edges when the child does not follow intentions of an appropriate knowledge. For this he has to ask the children:
What have you already learned on curiosity?
Do you think that curiosity is always good?
If it is always good, then, when it is not good?

The educator will promote the exchange of opinions, in order to mobilize and to motivate the group. Later he will ask them:
"Now I am going to tell you a story to you so that we observe if the example is of good curiosity, or on the contrary, of curiosity that leads to problems and misfortunes."

2nd Part
Story "Don Square’s boots"

Don Square had a square face, square eyes, square nose and a twisted mouth. In his head we could see four little hair, two of them of a chocolate colour.
Don Square’s legs looked like stilts. And his six arms finished in other six small chocolate balls. Don Square wore in his feet some very famous red boots, because if he took them off, they could walk on their own.
They would go here and there as if nothing had happened, they climbed trees and they climbed stairs.
But when his owner whistled in a certain way, the pair of boots returned to his side running.
One day, tired of their wanderings, the boots went to sleep inside a drawer and in a short time Mingolo, the monkey saw them and, without asking for permission, he wore them very happily.
"What good boots! - the monkey screamed - no other monkey had boots like these".
And he went to the zoo with them to greet two uncles of his that lived there.
Suddenly, a whistle was heard and the boots started to run dragging Mingolo, who screaming and waving his hands, could not understand what was happening.
The monkey went as if by air, and the two boots, without stopping, ran and ran until they arrived at the place where Don Square waited for them. When he saw what they brought with them he started to laugh.
And as he was square, but not bad, in order to blow Mingolo’s fear away he gave him one of the chocolate boots, saying to him: "Little friend, next time, ask for permission before using what is not yours”.
Dora Alonso

3rd Part
After telling the story the educator will promote a discussion to analyze the content. For this he can ask the following questions:
Why did monkey Mingolo want to walk with the boots?
What happened to the monkey because of his curiosity?
How can we evaluate Mingolo’s curiosity?
What is the first thing that we have to consider when we are interested in knowing something?
How did Don Square value Mingolo’s curiosity?

The final goal must be that the children conclude by themselves that curiosity is good as long as it helps know and to understand, but that it can not be good when the right or the privacy of the others are abused.

Observed conduct
They identified the negative curiosity in the character of the story.
They knew how to explain why that curiosity is negative.
They showed in their answers that they know how to differentiate between the two types of curiosity.
They suggested being like the positive curious characters.


Summary of the activity: It consists of an activity of plastic education to draw scenes in which curious behaviors are reflected, in which initially the educator introduces the content, later they draw, and with the products of this activity they set up a mural about curiosity, which has to remain several days in exhibition in the classroom.

• To reinforce by visual means the notions on curiosity.
• To develop creative thinking in the children.

• Conversation
• Practical Actions

Material Resources: Pencils, brushes, paper, fine cardboard, temperas, and other art materials, glue, a mural.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator explains the objective of the activity and motivates the children to create freely, using some questions and opinions:

"Today you are going to draw scenes in which a curious behaviour of some character is observed, you can do anything that seems well to you, later we will analyze the drawings, and with them we will make an exhibition in the classroom where we will place the mural."

2nd Part
The children make drawings individually. Once all the drawings are finished the class will analyze them, considering their content (the main thing) and their aesthetic quality. The educator can promote the analysis asking questions such as:
Why have you chosen the scene that you drew?
Why do you think that it reflects a curious behaviour?
Is it the curiosity that appears in the drawing good or not good?
What is the difference between a drawing of positive curiosity and the one that is not?
Would you like to be like the character that appears in the drawing?

3rd Part
Consists of making a mural, in which we will place the drawings that in the children’s opinion better reflect curiosity. With the rest of the drawings an album will be made which will be called “Curiosity" and it will be left in a shelf so that whenever the children can see it whenever they want to.


Summary of the activity: It consists of a programmed visit to a scientific center, in which a directed observation will be made, printed materials will be gathered and photos will be taken. Later the children will talk about what they saw and there will be a science session with the materials that were gathered.

• To develop in the children experiences on the characteristics of the places in which there is great curiosity for knowledge.
• To form positive attitudes towards science.

• Visit
• Observation
• Conversation
• Practical Actions

Material Resources: Cameras or camcorder, paper, glue, temperas, brushes.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will tell the children about the place they will visit, whose objective is to visit a scientific research center, in order to observe what the scientists do, to find out why they are so curious, to see how they look and how they work.

Previously the educator should have taught the children some indispensable terms for a better understanding of the objectives of the visit according to their level of understanding: science, scientist, study, investigation, microscope.

The activity will begin by asking the children how the place they are going to visit is called, and what one is done in it.

"Now I am going to invite you to visit a scientific center that is a very important place where studies are done to help cure diseases, to make better materials, to develop new products, among other things. It is necessary that we observe well what is done there, so that later we can speak about what we have seen. We can also take photos where it is allowed and later we will make an exhibition of photos and materials gathered in the visit ".

2nd Part
Consists of the visit, it is important that the educator directs the attention of the children towards those places of importance and stimulates the children to exchange information with the people who work there.

3rd Part
To initiate the conversation the educator will show a photo of the scientific center, and he will invite the children so that they talk about what they observed in this place; if that stimulation is not sufficient, he will ask them:
What have you seen?
What did you like most in this place?
Why is it an important place?
What does "to be a scientist" mean?
Are the scientists curious? Why?

The educator will make sure that the children express their opinions, so that they form their own ideas on what they saw. He will summarize the activity by telling the children that the place they visited is very important, because from their work many good things for everybody’s life will come out.

4th Part
The educator will invite the children to organize the materials gathered in the visit (pamphlets, photos, videos, etc.) to organize a science session. The children, together with the educator, will set up the exhibition, to which they can invite their parents and the rest of the child school.

Observed conduct
They extended their knowledge on science and the scientists.
They were proud to have a place like this in their city.
They showed interest in making drawings on the scientific center.
They related the work of the scientists to the eagerness to learn (curiosity).


Summary of the activity: This is a role play whose argument is the work of scientists, all the children who wish will participate and will do some of the tasks that are usually done in the scientific center, for example: to look into microscopes, to inject animals, to write in small boards, to mix liquids, etc.

• To develop in the children experiences and emotions about the scientific work.
• To form notions of science.
• To learn to relate science to the curiosity to know and to understand.

• Game
• Conversation

Material Resources: Play corners with the necessary things for this game for example, tables, chairs, books and notebooks, mechanic pencils, toy microscopes, sheets of paper, cuddly toys of animals used in scientific work (monkey, mouse, guinea pigs, etc.), and other materials.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
As this is a critical experience in the presentation, the educator will not stop to speak about the scientific work, but he will only stimulate the children who wish to play, and he will show the area or play corner to them where they can do it, next he will orientate them so that they agree on the role each one is going to portray. (Scientist or doctor, assistant, animal caretaker, etc.). He will give the opportunity to the players to select the materials that are going to be using on their own, according to the selected role.

2nd Part
The game will begin and the educator will not participate assuming a role, but he will record his observations, he will let the children express themselves freely, and he will only take part in the necessary cases, for example, if the dynamics of the game drops, if the children have turned aside from the main argument, or to help to solve some conflict.

3rd Part
When the game has ended, there will be a final conversation so that the children, without the educator’s help, can evaluate how they have played, if they have taken their role until the end, if they have portrayed the actions that corresponded to their role.

Only in case that the analysis of the group does not arise spontaneously, the educator will suggest analyzing the existing relation between the scientists’ work and the curiosity to know and to understand.

Observed conduct
They were able to carry out the corresponding actions with the assumed roles.
They declared to have notions on the relation between the scientific work and curiosity to know and to understand.
They showed interest in behaving in ways related to intellectual curiosity.
They established in an appropriate way the differences between the good curiosity and the negative one.
They could make an elementary evaluation of why a positive curiosity can be assumed.