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Honesty constitutes one of the most important values in the formation of the child’s personality because it is the base of personal relations in which the projection towards others implies a disinterested personal affection, and a respect that is strengthened through the very same interrelations.

In order to develop honesty in the child it is necessary to form notions, skills, emotions, experiences, feelings that prepare him for an honest conduct, which is necessary to learn. In his early development, the young child thinks that everything belongs to him, that he is the center of everything, and therefore, all the objects of the surrounding world are his, as well as any actions needed to obtain them, this initial egocentrism yields little by little to more socialized behaviors, which force him not to lie, not to use inadequate means in order to obtain what he wants. This is the reason why honesty becomes a pillar in the formation of a peace culture.

The knowledge of what one can or cannot do, and which conduct is good, is a fundamental aspect in the development of honesty. To know why an honest behavior helps to make good friends is the basis to develop this value in children of this age group. To make an effort to do something useful to benefit others, without expecting to be compensated and just for doing it is important for these aims.

As it is, honesty is a value or general concept that includes others more specific, such as respect for others, not to take control of other people's things, to be sincere in relations, not to lie, to always tell the truth. It is a quite abstract quality for a child to understand in his early childhood, and which he manages to consolidate as a general value only through particular behaviors and little by little.


Summary of the activity: The content of this activity will deal with honesty. The first activity will be a conversation of the educator with the children on the subject in which he will tell a story, in the second activity the children will make drawings on the content of the story, and finally, in the third activity, they will prepare an exhibition with all the drawings made. Later the parents will make a visit to see the exhibition.

Objectives: To develop in the children notions about honesty.

• Conversation
• Story
• Observation
• Practical Actions

Material Resources: Pictures, photos, papers, color pencils, brushes, temperas, and other materials of plastic arts.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will explore the subject through a dialogue to determine what children know or think about honesty.

2nd Part
To tell the story "An honest conduct", which can be accompanied by one or several pictures referred to the story, such as:
a) Picture of a child who lives in very poor conditions.
b) Picture of an elderly person is seen among people.
c) Picture showing the child seeing how the elderly person’s purse falls from her pocket.
d) Picture of the child seeing that the purse has plenty of money.
e) Picture in which one sees the child giving back the purse to the elderly person.

"An honest conduct"
Once upon a time there was a very poor child who lived with his parents in a poor area in the outskirts of the city. Juanito, that is how the child was called, used to go early every morning to the city market, to look for something to do so that the retailers helped him with some things that they gave him: fruit, vegetables, produce, with which he contributed to the household’s economy, since as a child; he could not obtain a lot.
One day he was sitting in front of a fruit shop when he saw an elderly person buying some things, which she threw in a big bag. Juanito came up to her to try to help her, but the elderly person, when she saw him dressed in rags, sent him away because she feared that the child was going to take some of her fruit. Juanito did not mind this, thinking that perhaps the old woman had previously had some disagreeable type of experience, and he started to look for other things to do.
When the elderly person was walking away and, as she was very old, she put her purse in the bag, and it fell to the ground without her noticing it. Juanito ran where the purse had fallen, and when he opened it: Wow, there was enough money so that all his family could eat for one week! How lucky!
And do you know what Juanito did? He ran towards the elderly person who was already leaving the market, and when she saw him again she said to him: "Look child, I already told you that I do not want you to help me!"
"Lady" answered Juanito, this is not the reason I am here, and I want to return this bag to you that dropped over there without noticing it."
The incredulous elderly person took the purse, she looked inside and she exclaimed: "How unfair I have been, such an honest child and I rejected him. But come; come with me to my house, so that I give you everything that you need for you and for your family."
And they say that since then everybody in the neighborhood calls Juanito "The honest one" for the honest conduct he showed.

Once the story is finished, the educator will give the children the possibility to make comments on what happened in the story, he will guide the conversation towards Juanito’s honest conduct, he will speak to the children on what honesty is, he will define what are good actions, how to consider somebody as honest, so that they understand what honesty is, and how the relations among honest people must be.

3rd Part
The educator will invite the children to make drawings and paintings to show how to help other people.

Firstly he will talk with the children on the importance of such drawings so that they understand well what honesty is, helping them with questions until they can give an elementary description of what honesty is. Once this part is concluded the children will start to elaborate the drawings and paintings under the direction of the educator.

4th Part
With the drawings the children will organize the "Mural of honesty" with the best drawings, and they will invite the parents to visit their exhibition.

Observed conduct
They had at the beginning of the activity little notion on honesty.
They knew how to give a right opinion about the honest conduct of the character.
They showed interest in having an honest conduct.
They related what happened in the story to some of their own experiences.


Summary of the activity: The activity consists of a game in which the children will look for, inside the content of the boxes, what the educator asks them and without showing it to the other children they will answer if something is or not in the boxes. Later they will determine who has won by giving the greatest number of honest answers.

Objectives: To develop in the children behaviors compatible with honesty.

• Conversation
• Observation
• Game

Material Resources: Several boxes (three or four) with diverse small objects within them, each box must be covered so that nobody, except for the child who opens it, can see what it contains.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will start a conversation that, for example, in the following way:
"The adults quite often tell you that it is necessary to be honest in any situation. Now we are going to play a game to see how you act in a competition."

Next he establishes the rules of the game:
1. The children will form a circle and in each corner of the room there will be a box in which there will be different objects and toys. They will be grouped in teams of three or four children, who will be identified with a handkerchief with a different color.
2. At the same time the educator asks them if there is a certain object in the boxes, one child from each team will run to their box, he will look for the object, and without removing it nor showing it, he will say if it is or not in the box. For each object that is in the box, they will get a point.
3. The educator will stimulate the competitive spirit, whoever is winning has had more correct answers, so that the children feel more and more pressed to win.
4. In each box there will be several objects that are identical, and some different ones, so that their content is varied.
5. The educator will take notes of what each team says that there is in his box.
6. The game is over when all the children of each team have had the opportunity of going to the box. The winner will be the team that has found more objects in their box. This must be quite clear to the children at the beginning of the game.

2nd Part
Now the group will tally what each team has found in their box. For this, the educator gathers all the children, and with his list he verifies together with the children if each list matches or not with what each member of the team said that there was in the box.

Given the characteristics of the children’s development at this age, it is very probable that "the truth" has not been said in some occasions.

3rd Part
In a group meeting the children will assess which team was the most honest, and they will determine by themselves the winner on the basis of these honest responses (and not by the number of "correct answers" that were given during the game.

The educator will take advantage of this to reinforce what an honest conduct is, and that once in the game the important thing is not to win no matter what, but to be honest and upright.

Observed conduct
They always identified the objects in an honest way.
The number of objects did not match with the honest behaviors.
They expressed criticism when a dishonest conduct was observed.
They made verbal manifestations of being honest and did not lie in the games and activities.
They showed emotions of joy or pleasure when the honest correct answers matched with the list of objects.


Summary of the activity: The activity consists of making up stories referred to conducts that are not honest, as it happens in the case of the thieves who try to take what does not belong to them. We will begin with a conversation on the differences between an honest conduct and one that is not, later a story regarding the experience of some thieves will be told, and finally an evaluation will be done on what has happened.

• To emphasize to the children what is an honest conduct.
• To demonstrate that there is always a punishment for dishonest conducts.

• Conversation
• Story
• Analysis of situations

Material Resources: Pictures with the story plot, text of the story.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will start a conversation asking the children about what they can observe in the pictures or photos, what they see in them and what they think they are doing. He must motivate the group so that they can express by themselves that the thieves deserve a punishment.

2nd Part
Later the educator will tell a story based on the pictures, a story or an anecdote of something that has happened in the district when some thieves tried to rob a house. In this way, he will speak to the children about the thieves, their actions and ways of acting, and how the police are ready to catch them for their dishonest conduct.

The text of the story can say:

"The dishonest thieves"
"In a house in a place away from the city center there lived a very old couple that, as they had lived a long time together, had bought during all their life lots of valuable things that they kept in their house. Everybody knew about the wealth that was kept there, but as the people of the district were honest, the old couple used to leave the door of their house open, and nothing ever happened.
But one good day, the old man became ill and had to go to hospital for some time, and his wife went with him to take care of him. And the house was left alone, with all its wealth inside.
And it happened, some bad people that went past the place saw the opportunity of their life in that alone and open house, and they decided to rob it. They went away and looked for a lorry, they parked it in front of the house, and they began to take out things very quietly as if they were moving house.
But the children of the neighborhood, who knew that the old couple lived alone and did not have any relatives, went to warn the police that strange men were removing things from that house.
And when the thieves were busy, the police arrived and caught them red-handed! So, they took them to jail where they had to spend a few years for their dishonest conduct.

3rd Part
The educator will take up again the conversation of the first part of the activity by doing a brief summary on what they commented and asking questions to the children on honesty, who were the thieves, and why the police nabbed them, trying to describe the qualities that define honesty, and if they do not know, then the educator will guide them through new questions until he gets the child to make an elementary description of it.

Examples of question:
How must honest people act?
How do you know that a person is honest?
What is it necessary to be honest?

If the answers of some children are not correct or are incomplete, the educator will give them the necessary help.

Finally he will summarize everything that the children have expressed and will expand on what was said by them emphasizing the value of honesty, and to be against any dishonest conduct such as the one demonstrated by the thieves.

During all the activity the educator will try, through opportune comments and evaluations on the attitudes of the children of the group and other children, to bring up emotions on honesty, taking advantage of the children’s own descriptions, telling anecdotes of honest situations, etc.

Observed conduct
They identified the dishonest conducts in the pictures or photos displayed.
They considered the police as honest men.
They answered questions on how they must act to be honest.
They showed favorable opinions on the children who reported the thieves.
They showed emotions of joy when seeing the dishonest thieves caught.
They verbally expressed desires to be honest.


Summary of the activity: This is a role play on the work of the police fighting against dishonest people such as the thieves. All the children who wish so will participate doing some of the actions that in real live the police do to safeguard property and people.

Objectives: To develop in the children experiences and emotions about veracity.

• Game
• Conversation

Material Resources: Play corners with the necessary things to play this game, for example, uniforms and characteristic materials of the police (cap, spouses, badges, truncheons, etc.) as well as the thieves (low cap, masks, etc.) Do not use accessories such as pistols or knives, because they are not necessary for the development of the game.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will start a conversation to introduce this argument, and to the children who wish to play he will show them the area or play corner where they can do it, next he will ask who would you like to be in the game, so that they agree on the role each one is going to play, either police or thieves.

He will give an opportunity to the players so that they select themselves the materials that they are going to use, according to the role they have selected.

2nd Part
The game will begin and the educator will participate in it as a child, with a secondary role, such as the old woman that goes away from the house. He will make suggestions to the children who are carrying out the different roles if he thinks it is necessary.

He can have some interventions, but he will let the children express freely, he will only intervene if necessary, for example, if the dynamics of the game falls off, if the children have strayed from the argument, or to help to solve some conflict that they cannot solve by themselves, etc.

3rd Part
After the game there will be a final conversation so that the children helped by the educator can evaluate how they played, if they have maintained their role until the end, if they have performed the actions that correspond to their role, for example, if the police has remained all the time within the argument of the game and if they have acted well, among others.

At the same time, they will evaluate why the thieves had to be arrested, what was their dishonest conduct, if it is possible to help them to be honest, because it is better to be honest than dishonest, among other things.

The educator will conclude the activity by telling the children that on the following day they will play again, but this time changing their roles, those that were the police will be the thieves, and the other way round.

Observed conduct
They knew how to carry out the actions of the role that they interpreted, and to do them until the end of the game.
They expressed coherent opinions on the honest or dishonest people.
They were interested in carrying out the good role for honest people like the police.
They were touched when characterizing the honest people.
They expressed verbal criteria on being honest in their daily life.


Summary of the activity: In this activity the children will complete a story and later they will evaluate the activity.

• To develop in the children notions on honesty.
• To make them feel positive emotions when they are honest.

• Narration
• Conversation

Material Resources: Texts of different stories.

Development of the activity:
1st Part
The educator will explain the activity to the children. In it the educator will give a phrase or a paragraph and the children must complete the story that he has begun.

Example of stories:

Story A: A child was walking along a street and saw another child in a wheelchair that was leaving on the pavement a bag with toys, because he has tripped over an obstacle, then the child..........................................

Story B: There was an old woman sitting on a bench in a park; some children who were playing close by realized that a strange individual came up to the lady and he put his hand in her purse, then the children who were playing...................................................

Story C: A child was crying desperately in a park because he has lost his toy, but nobody has paid attention to him because they thought that what he was saying was not true, and then a lady walked past and...............................................

The educator can create the stories that he sees fit, as long as they adjust to the subject of honesty.

2nd Part
The children will complete each story and the educator records or writes the answers given by them. This must be done in a group meeting, so that everyone hears what the others created.

3rd Part
The educator will read the stories again, or he will play them in a cassette recorder, so that the children analyze each of the answers given to complete them. Led by the educator they will make an analysis of the stories based on the following aspects:
• The coherence of the story.
• If the proposed end makes a direct reference or not to honesty, and why.

This part of the activity will be summarized by the educator that will emphasize all the honest attitudes shown in the stories.

Observed conduct
They completed the story giving an answer referred to honesty.
They were motivated to give honest answers to the stories.
They needed help to finalize the story with an honest answer.
They expressed manifestations of honesty outside the activity of completing the stories.
They expressed opinions on observed experiences of honest conducts.


Summary of the activity: The activity consists of evaluating the facts that happened in the classroom by the end of the week regarding the children’s honest behaviors or not. For this purpose, the puppet and the children will speak.

Objectives: From the analysis of diverse situations that have happened in the classroom, or in the early childhood center, and guided by the puppet, the children will evaluate their honest conducts or not, and that if their mates.

• Conversation
• Questions and answers

Material Resources: The "Goblin of the school” puppet.

Development of the activity:
The first day of the week the educator will place the "Goblin of the School" puppet in a visible place in the classroom, and on Friday he will invites him to talk with the children, reminding them of everything that has been said in the previous activities about honesty, and how an honest and honorable person has to behave. Such conversation will be based on the facts that happened in the child centre or at home, so that they evaluate their classmates’ reactions and their own in relation to honest or dishonest attitudes.

The educator, at the same time that he handles the puppet, has to lead this evaluation so that the children’s behaviors are analyzed fairly and objectively in relation to honesty or the lack of it, and the children will give their criteria and experiences. What is wanted is to obtain an elementary evaluation where recommendations are given to those children who have shown some dishonest behavior (without reaching extremes), and to flatter those that are always honest.

In this way, negative commentaries will be avoided if a child was evaluated as somewhat dishonest, warning him to make an effort to be able to be always honest, and to recommend what to do.

Because of its importance, so that all have the opportunity to evaluate themselves and to evaluate the others, this activity will be repeated several times in the course of a month or a quarter. It can be, for example, at the end of every week or every fortnight. The educator will do it as he wants, and the opportunity of evaluating themselves and being evaluated will be given again to those children who were singled out as lacking honesty.

In this activity the educator will make sure that the evaluations that are done are fair, that they are said with tact so that no child feels bad, that recommendations are given to them and that goals are set for those children who have shown dishonest behaviors, and he will prevent any child from being directly described as dishonest by his mates in the group.

The educator has to have in mind that honesty is a quite abstract concept and can be hard to understand by the children at this age, and that the formation of this value requires practice and pedagogical tact.

Observed conduct
They evaluated themselves fairly.
They evaluated their mates fairly.
They knew how to focus the evaluation in what was requested from them: honest and dishonest conduct.
They knew and showed in their evaluations the elements that characterize an honest or dishonest person.
They expressed a desire to be honest in their daily life.