El profesor imprimirá el material complementario . The teacher will print the supplementary material (click here to open in a new window) and will give it to the children. The children will colour in green the man in the stoplight that allows walking and in red the one that indicates people that they can't walk. The children will help the teacher to set up the different pieces of furniture from the class and some other materials (i.e. strings) in order to form several itineraries. The teacher will put up green and red cards in the entrance of each itinerary. Some children will start the game; they will rise the different cards they find during the route in order that the rest of the group (that isn't participating at that very moment) can see them. If the card the child rises is red, everybody has to say, "We can't walk if we find red" while they show the stoplight in red. The child then will have to start another route. If the card is green everybody will say, "We can walk if we find green" while showing the stoplight in green. |